Pavel Yegorovich Romanenko
Dialogue before the quest start
This mug looks familiar! Hello there, drifter. Good timing, I’ve been pondering on some business here. A little bird asked me to check out the area where there might still be some fuel remaining. Hot topic, you understand, not for just anybody to charge with. And here you step in! Lucky me. Cutting it short, you’ve handled beacons before, right? No rocket science - stick it somewhere out of sight, press the button, get out. Got it? Excellent, all that’s left is to find and mark the tank trucks. There must be four of them total. Here, take those beacons, consider it a token of appreciation for our successful partnership. Don't lose them though, any extra ones will cost you money.
Dialogue after completing the quest
Hello again, Rambo. We're receiving the fuel tanks signal, so your job is done. I don't know how you manage it, none of my business anyway, but working with you is comfortable, you're doing everything quick and clean. Here's your cut.