Quest objectives
Locate the first group of ATMs on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the first ATM on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the first ATM on Nizhnaya Sadovaya Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the second ATM on Nizhnaya Sadovaya Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the first ATM on Primorsky Ave on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the ATM on Razvedchikov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the second group of ATMs on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the third group of ATMs on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the second ATM on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the fourth group of ATMs on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the third ATM on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the fourth ATM on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the fifth group of ATMs on Klimov Street on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the second ATM on Primorsky Ave on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the third ATM on Primorsky Ave on Streets of Tarkov
Locate the ATM at the expo on Streets of Tarkov
Открылся после вторых витаминов, а не первых